My Story...

I'm Marissa, a registered dietitian and yoga teacher on a mission to help women feel empowered and confident in all stages of their life! 

I specialize in women's health starting with pregnancy, it's the reason I became a dietitian! I wanted to understand how I could nourish my growing baby and that ignited my path to change careers.

I also work with families and teens struggling with the idea of “good” and “bad” food. If you feel guilty about eating certain foods, or think you need to exercise harder or eat less as a result, I understand you!

Way back when (I’m talking 90’s), I started lifting weights and running because I was afraid to gain weight. I had this idea that high fat foods were “bad” which led me to restrict all snacks, cakes, cookies, candy, chips, fried foods (you get the idea). If I consumed any of those “bad” foods, I knew I’d have to push harder at the gym or run farther.

Discovering yoga allowed me to become more in-tune to my body and to cherish all the amazing things it does. With excessive exercise behind me, I run for enjoyment, not punishment and yoga and meditation help me to constantly honor myself. 

As a mom and dietitian, I often get the comment, “Your kids must eat so healthy!” Actually in our house, No food is off limits and we avoid the word “diet” in our house. I'm super conscious of the relationship my kids have with food. I have a picky eater and deal with the challenges of social media and debunking diet myths and fads for my teen. This is why, I am a firm believer in the importance of family dinners. In our house, family dinners are our chance to connect, create a positive experience around food and provide support on loving ourselves and cherishing our bodies for who we are.

I was able to free myself from the food guilt and it’s my job to make sure my kids and your kids never succumb to it and that you no longer live your life by a “diet” By learning to eat intuitively and mindfully I help women and their children feel happy and comfortable in their skin. 

Together let's set a foundation for a healthier way of living mind and body. 

Hey there!

 Fun facts about me...


I'm a mom of 2 with 5 pets!

I used to be a fashion designer and I love to sew.

I love to cook, bake and have an ever growing cookbook collection!

The beach is my happy place.

I’ve been practicing yoga for over 20 years!

Professional Affiliations

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
New Jersey Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Registered Yoga Alliance RYT 200

Let's take the first step to healthy living together. Sign up for your free consultation.

Everybody deserves to love their reflection in the mirror.

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